
AI-powered user interviews just got 3X faster and more conversational⚡

Since we launched AI-powered user interviews in beta last month, your feedback has been phenomenal, a huge thank you to everyone in our community who tested and shared their feedback 🙌. We've also heard you loud and clear - the conversations need to feel even smoother and more natural.

With today's release, we're continuing to make AI-moderated user interviews even smoother. Let's dig in:

Your studies are now conversational, and 3X faster 🗣️

We've heard you loud and clear! Even complex studies need to feel smooth for your participants, so we've redesigned studies to feel conversational.

We've also optimized our AI-pipeline to make sure that each response gets transcribed and analyzed more efficiently, leading to a 3X speed improvement in how quickly Wondering's AI handles responses and returns questions to participants.

Check out the example below where the study seamlessly moves from a hard-coded message to gathering responses to a rating scale, and then conducts an exploratory interview.

Try it out here 👇

More control of AI-powered interviews 🎛️

A second theme we found in our research is that you wanted more control of how the conversation unfolds. And so, now you can:

  • Research topics can be adjusted independently.
  • Define areas of focus to tailor the information you gather.
  • Set the number of follow-ups to control the duration the AI spends asking about each topic.

Conversational Templates 📋

To kickstart your research in this new format, we've curated four templates covering different stages of the discovery process. Time to get inspired!

Revamped study builder 🏗️

Say hello to a sleeker study builder! Enjoy features like drag-and-drop to reorder blocks, automatic naming using AI, and a simplified design to get you started quickly.

And That's Not All 🌟

We've been hard at work and delivered some smaller yet impactful improvements:

  • Collapsible & simplified sidebar.
  • Updated results page for conversational studies with more to come!
  • Introducing star ratings.

Ready to explore these features? Try them out now!

Keep an eye on this space for more updates.