
Simplified study blocks


Find studies faster & dive deeper with improved follow-ups

We’ve updated the UI to help you find your studies faster and easily manage AI-powered follow-up questions.


Get started faster and fine tune your follow ups

In our continuous journey to enhance your research experience, we're excited to share a range of updates designed to streamline your workflow, foster collaboration, and bring clarity to the role of AI in participant interactions. Let's dive into what's new at Wondering!


Latest multilingual and design testing enhancements

Our latest release focuses on multilingual improvements, enhanced design testing capabilities, and various refinements aimed at enriching your research experience. Let's dive into the highlights:


Interview your participants in any language with AI

You can now interview customers in any language with multilingual AI-led user interviews.


Design testing has arrived!

This week we're really excited to let you try our new feature Design testing. More information on that and how we're working to make global research easier below.


Improved progress bar and study overview

Although this week's changelog may seem modest, we're gearing up for several significant updates that we're excited to unveil in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for these!


Collect longer responses & duplicate study blocks

This week we've launched a head of changes to make it easier to create studies and gather in-depth responses in your AI-led user interviews. Let's dive in:duplicate


Improved results and interview feedback

Discover our latest enhancements in AI-led interviews, featuring a new, organized response table and an upgraded audio feedback system for an improved research experience.


Automated tagging and interview users in any language with AI

Today, we've shipped a heap of updates to make it easier to quickly analyse your responses and make sure that Wondering asks questions in any language and format that you want. Let's jump in: